About Me

Portrait (1 of 1)
C.S. Lewis wrote that, “You are never too old to set a new goal or dream a new dream.”  Must be true, as I recently launched a new business, and I’m in my 80’s. It began when I took up photography few years ago. I taught myself the basics of digital photography and how to use the editing software, and thus began a new chapter in my life.

My father was an amateur photographer, and our kitchen was his darkroom at night. I loved watching the magic of black and white images appear in the trays of chemicals when he was printing. Although I had a Brownie camera (an inexpensive box camera) as a child, my picture taking was limited by the cost of film and processing. When I did find some money for photography, the pictures I got back from the drugstore were disappointing. The snapshots never matched the image I had in mind, and the Brownie was tucked away in some drawer and forgotten.

When it came time to decide on an area of study at UCLA I chose art, an impractical but fun major.  After graduation I traveled down many roads, looking for a way use my education and earn a living. Finally, 50 years after graduation, I left Los Angeles and moved to the Mendocino Coast where I settled into the community and eventually found my way to photography.

I began with a small 3 megapixel camera that I used to record the beautiful coast and the redwood forests. Health issues eventually forced me to find subject matter that didn’t require hiking and running around, so I turned to photographing flowers.  I bought a new camera, a close-up lens and tripod, and began exploring the possibilities in the botanical world.

Although I have had several shows locally and was establishing a reputation as a flower photographer, my new career was not as lucrative as I had expected. I decided then that if I couldn’t make money taking pictures I could use the pictures to make people happy. My goal was to produce something inexpensively that I could give away. The idea of combining an inspiring quotation to the back of a flower photo came “out of the blue”, and Happiness Cards were born.

We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses. Abraham Lincoln

We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.                                                        Abraham Lincoln

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3 thoughts on “About Me

  1. lorana miceli

    hi connie
    love your happiness cards. saw ad in science of mind magazine (august 2015), and wanted to buy. ad said, free shipping for science of mind readers. how do I place order with free shipping included ? please advise. thank you.



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